Still moving south
30 November 2000
Terry Bingham
Moving South 30 November 2000
Dear friends - sorry for any delays in updating you, but it seems I never have any time any more !!! Made a 10 day trip to Oregon to visit kids and friends and see the new Grandson - he sure is cute. Returned to SD to complete refrigerator install aboard SECRET O' LIFE which will hopefully improve the lifestyle in Mexico and not consume all the available amps.
I've dragged my feet long enough and plan to exit the states tomorrow 30 NOV for a direct, approximate 10 day passage to Mazatlan. From there I'll slowly go south again to Manzanillo and back north in the spring. I've enjoyed visiting with a lot of you in the past couple of months and remember, the invitation is always open to visit the boat at some exotic tropical location (you'll find me working on some boat project or another). I'll update you on the trip and a little more of the fall activities once I've warmed up 15-20 degrees. I hope this finds all of you planning for a most wonderful Christmas season and another fantastic New Year. For those of you already in Mexico - - - - "I'm Coming ! "
Happy Holiday Season - Terry