thunder and lightening and squalls, oh my
08 May 2013 | about 300 miles from Palau
8 May 0000 UTC (0900 local -9ZD) N 8deg 35.7' E 130deg 05.6' , COG 100T, SOG 5.6kts
Position 24hrs from now: N 8deg 2.6' E 132deg 18.3'
Baro last 24 hrs: 29.62 - 29.68
frequent squalls last 24hrs, less frequent last 3 hrs
while there are clouds 360 around Shearwater (nimbus, alto, cumulus, cirrus), far fewer are thunderheads than yesterday
wind last 24hrs: E, SE, NE 5-17kts, currently E 17
seas are confused over a 2meter E swell
we are calculating arrival at west side of Palau, Babel Thuap I. in approximately 48 hrs, local morning (0800 -9ZD) 10 May
For Dorothy: bumpy-bouncy, squalls, current against us. I must be demented or masochistic to be doing this again!
Roger's contribution to the weather log from last night's watch "dark & bouncy"
we've had opposing current out of the E / NE so our speeds are sometimes as low as 4.7
we stopped and shut down the engine, mid-ocean yesterday to clean the sea chest screen. while that was happening David C and crew played with the sails.
the current was actually faster than the speed we were making with only 5kts wind power
theres a little sparrow who is hitch-hiking