And they're off.....
16 May 2013 | Leaving Palau
Mike, via email
we've been underway only 4 hours.
current position: N 7deg 6.1' E 134deg 42.6', COG 112 True, SOG 5.6kts
estimated position 24 hrs N 5deg 59.9' E 136deg 48.2'
Baro 29.8, Wind SE 8, previously ESE 10-15
Seas 1-2' confused over a 1 meter + E swell
at sunset cloud cover was about 90%, T-heads and lenticular to the south
We had a "stutter-step start" Shearwater cleared the reef out the end of the Eastern entrance to Palau at 0630 UTC, and again at 0830 UTC. In between be turned around
and motored back to the commercial dock to fiddle with the "radiator cap" on the heat exchange tank, which had leaked approximately a quart of coolant, from the
expansion tank in our initial run outside. Not entirely sure this is resolved, but at the moment at least we are underway.
quite bouncy, even though the sea/swell is less than periods in our prior leg, it seems more active now, making it tough to move around and do things like write
this blog. David C. is just finishing up his watch and I take over from here. Roger and Wade are (trying to?) getting some sleep. If this action keeps up we may throw in the p-vane fish for a smoother ride