No probing!
20 May 2013
Mike via email
present location: N 5deg 30' 145deg 50' COG 090, SOG 6.0
estimated location in 24hrs: N 5deg 30' 148deg 06'
baro: presently 29.77, fluctuated in last 24hrs from 29.68-29.77
wind: prior to the squalls, wind was E-NE-NNE 5-10; between squalls now we're seeing 10-15; and inside the
squalls, gusts to the high 20s
seas: choppy due to the increase in winds; swells more confused but nothing bigger than 2-3m
cloud: we have been in a series of squalls for the past 6 hrs so cloud cover appears almost total. there is some
blue sky and light off to the North-NW
Although we are hitting a series of squalls, the worst they've done is slow us down a bit; we're sticking with the
same track -- eastbound along N 5deg 30 -- for approximately the next 3 days, before angling up NE towards
Pohnpei (assuming nothing major forms up)
yesterday, into yesterday night was gorgeous cruising weather, but about six hours ago we got into a series of squalls,
which we're still transiting; they're lined up in front of us on radar -- like we're stuck on rinse cycle in a washing machine
just a few minutes ago, between two rain cells, there was a brilliant shaft of bright light coming down, just about the size of the
boat, all around us. I was concerned we were about to be abducted by aliens -- No Probing! No Probing! -- sorry, got carried away there.
at least the salt is getting rinsed off the boat
we've broken 800nm to Pohnpei; and should hit the halfway point (to Pohnpei) in the next 24hrs.
do you remember that Abbot & Costello movie "Lost in a Harem" where they're in a dungeon, and arguing about how they ended up there
and for some reason Lou says "Niagra Falls" and a bundle a rags in the corner, raises up and becomes this big shaggy guy, screeching "Niagra Falls"
and "slowly I turned, step-by-step" and so on... well, I suspect, in the future, if I should ever be around someone who says this or that trip was a "long drive"
I will probably do much the same. This is a loooonnnggg drive; and we haven't got to the longest leg yet -- Majuro to Hawaii. I thought we had
suspended animation for trips like this?! Thank goodness for the good company! And the great meals by Capt David! And the periodic incredible vistas!