Sorry Charlie.....
23 May 2013 | 300 miles from Pohnepei
Mike, via e-mail
present position: N 5deg 52.1' E151deg 45.1' COG 079 SOG 5.2ktw
estimated position 24hrs N 6deg 13' E 154deg 08'
baro 29.74 last 12hrs range has fluctuated from 29.68 - 29.74
wind: ENE 12 , last 12 hours wind has been consistently E ranging 11-18
seas surface chop, 1-2m multiple confused swell
cloud: at sunset local cloud cover was 80%; throughout the day mostly cirrus, alto stratus, alto cumulus, all benign
we're slightly less than 3 days away from our objective; i believe we're back to bucking the NEC, which had to happen as Pohnpei
is at N6.8 deg. at this point we're on a rhumb-line for it, but low-mid 5kts for speed so it's put us back from the good speed we
were making yesterday; we may have to adjust downward to assure entry thru the reef during high daylight
Shearwater continues to slog eastward towards Pohnpei. An uneventful day (except for a small tuna cought -- "Sorry Charlie". Crew is
anticipating landfall and a break from the movement. Shearwater operating beautifully.