position : N7degrees 5.8' E158 degrees 53.2'
COG 090 degrees SOG 5.4 knots
Baro 29.65 dropping
Wind 15-20 ENE
Seas 3 m confused
clouds: it's night, but appears 100% , trying to clear in the east
Home for us is Sebastopol, CA, USA, where children, grandchildren and surviving parents still reside. We lived aboard in SE Asia, except for short visits home spring of 06 til fall 09, primarily in China, Macau, Hong Kong, Philippine Islands and Malaysia. [...]
Sept 09 - June 2010 we attended classes at Seattle Maritime Academy in Ballard.
Late summer 09, summer 10, winter 10-11 and summer 11, all spent in SE Alaska.
Sept '11 - Oct '13 in Bodega Bay CA
Now back in PNW
while building, commishioning and shaking down, the boat was the 'ends'; now she's become the 'means' to explore new places, live there awhile, get to know folks before moving on.
"David Ellis" is named after David J. Nagle & Ellis D. Peterson, Dave & Dorothy's dads. Both have passed, but [...]