6 June 0000 UTC Report
05 June 2013 | 172 miles from Majuro
Mike via email
Weather update:
Present position:07 deg 15.9' N 168 deg 10.1' E
COG: 088 deg SOG: 5.7 kits
Estimated position 24hours:07 deg 15.5' N 170 deg 26.1' E
Baro:29.74 last 24hr range: 29.68-77
Wind: ENE 12-15 kts,
Seas:3-4 M
Clouds:80% cumulus cover, but looking very dense at the horizon, all the way around
Summary: 172 nm to Majuro.
Yesterday afternoon / evening was a fairly rough ride, but Shearwater takes it without fuss; I continue to appreciate
our p-vane stabilizers. Late night, early morning, winds had dropped, and seas rounded off a bit, but we're starting
to pick up again, so I imagine this afternoon will be similar to yesterday.
Later this afternoon we will be passing on the south side of Ailinglapalap Atoll, which should be in the lee from the
wind and swell for a couple of hours. Amongst the atolls of that group is found Anil Passage... and that's all I'm saying
about that.
David C is on the helm (he had an exciting fish episode this morning of which I wont steal his thunder; I imagine the story
will show up on his blog); Roger and Wade are both reading. I'm getting ready to go on watch in another 40 minutes.
That'll start with an engine room check (which the watch-stander does hourly) and will run for 3 hours until the next
guy's turn. with a crew of 4 we stand 2 3-hour watches per day. In my case I have the 0000-0300 and 1200-1500 UTC
watches. I think 4 is the ideal crew for a long passage on this boat; if one becomes incapacitated, the remaining 3 watch-standers
only add 1 more hour to each of their two watches, which would be hardly noticeable.