13 June 1200 UTC Report
13 June 2013 | 1935 miles to Hawai'i
mike via email
Weather update:
Present position:07 deg 39.1' N 171 deg 45.2' E
COG: 045 deg SOG: 64.5 kts
Estimated position 24hours:09 4.3' N 173 deg 04.6' E (Majuro arrival)
Wind: ENE 20-24 kts up to 35 kts in squalls
Seas:3-4 M with chop
Clouds:At local sunset dense clouds
Summary: We have chosen the Northern route and will continue this course util past the N.E.C. (approx 12 deg N)
After fueling, we got directly underway, which still meant nearly 2 hours running in the Majuro lagoon, until traversing the
reef passage into the open Pacific (which was not -- pacific). For that approximate two hours we got a taste of what it
would've been to run with the wind (and in the case of the lagoon, chop rather than seas), rather than constantly into it.
We dropped the p-vane stabies into the water even before entering the channel, and they had their work cut out for them
as we ran beam to 3 meter seas to clear the channel, before turning more or less into the wind & seas. Squalls kicked up
through the afternoon and Shearwater and crew is back on watch schedule pounding NE towards Hawaii. 1935 miles rhumb line
to Hawaii (although we are headed somewhat north of that, as discussed earlier.