D & D Nagle aboard MV DavidEllis

27 May 2020 | Elfin Cove, SE Alaska
16 April 2020 | Elfin Cove, Cross Sound, Chichagof Island, SE Alaska
10 July 2019 | Elfin Cove, Alaska (or in Aussie:
18 March 2019
19 September 2017 | northbound Verney Passage, west side Gribbell Island
30 May 2017 | Photo is Meyers Chuck, north of Ketchikan AK
29 August 2016 | on-the-hard, Wrangell
19 November 2015 | almost there
16 November 2015
15 November 2015
11 November 2015 | Shearwater - Bella Bella, BC
10 November 2015 | photo is approaching Bottleneck Inlet
01 November 2015 | Wrangell, Alaska
17 September 2015 | Juneau to Petersburg
19 July 2015 | Wrangell > Petersburg > Tracy Arm > Juneau
28 June 2015 | Wrangell, AK (still on the hard)
03 March 2015 | Ketchikan

17 June 0000 UTC Report

16 June 2013
Mike via email
Present position: 11deg 24.9' N 176deg 17.6'' E
COG: 065deg SOG: 4.0 kts
Estimated position 24hours:12deg 07.0' 177deg 49.6'
Baro:29.65last 24hr range: 29.62-68
Wind: NE 22-25 kts, 24 h range 18-30 kts mostly in low 20's
Clouds 45% Cumulus
Summary: A bit stronger this morning

Since Majuro, we have crossed into another time zone -- ZD -12 -- although we were living with that time before crossing E172.5, as
Majuro (and I assume the Marshall Islands) use that designation with the meridian separating -11 from -12 running right through the Marshalls.
We have a big time change coming up at 180degrees, the International Dateline, where ZD -12 switches to +12. If that were happening right now
(which it isnt, we've a couple a days yet) we would go from 17 June 1200 noon local time, to 16 June 1200 noon local time, with UTC remaining at
0000 (or midnight).

And speaking of June 16, that would be Fathers Day: I am grateful beyond words for the father I had; blessed and proud to be the father of our
son Patrick and daughter Kate and have immense respect for the father Patrick has made himself into. Kate, I'm so sorry to have missed your first
Mothers Day as an official momma; you've got a handful there with DJ, but no worries, you're up to the job; it'l be fun!

And speaking of fathers: yesterday I noted a couple of analogies for the pace of our progress. Roger mentioned it was like the parents' description
of having to walk uphill both ways against the wind. I note that when I was in high school, off season from football I ran the two mile in track (very badly).
Shearwater's pace under these conditions. I would've lapped SW several times at the current 4kts she's doing.

We've constantly working our fuel use/speed/distance calculations, and are encouraged that we will have sufficient fuel. But it's a fine line as demonstrated
last night on my watch when the wind came up to sustained low 30s. Our speed was knocked back to low 3's (even high 2s momentarily); fuel usage surged up
as the electronic fuel mgmt tried to maintain rpms, and our ability to maintain steady COG was greatly affected. Those conditions were gone in an hour, but
the point was made that a steady diet of such conditions would result in having to fall back to Majuro. Be of good cheer folks; we're doing well.

Actually with Dateline coming up, there will be a roadside rest, with restaurants and clean toilets, right?! We'll top off with No.2 diesel, and if we're lucky there
will be a Krispy Kreme donut shop there too. Oh boy!
Vessel Name: DavidEllis
Vessel Make/Model: Diesel Duck 462 (Seahorse Marine)
Hailing Port: Sebastopol, CA, USA
Crew: Mike (Dave) and Dorothy Nagle
Home for us is Sebastopol, CA, USA, where children, grandchildren and surviving parents still reside. We lived aboard in SE Asia, except for short visits home spring of 06 til fall 09, primarily in China, Macau, Hong Kong, Philippine Islands and Malaysia. [...]
while building, commishioning and shaking down, the boat was the 'ends'; now she's become the 'means' to explore new places, live there awhile, get to know folks before moving on. "David Ellis" is named after David J. Nagle & Ellis D. Peterson, Dave & Dorothy's dads. Both have passed, but [...]

Who: Mike (Dave) and Dorothy Nagle
Port: Sebastopol, CA, USA