19 June 1200 UTC Report
19 June 2013
Mike via email
present position 13deg 15.9' N, 179deg 34.7' W, COG 065, SOG 4.7kts
estimated position in 24hrs 13deg 58.1'N 178deg 0.5' W
baro 29.77, 12 hr range 29.68 - .80
wind ENE 18-22kts, 12 hr range 17-25
seas 3-4m
cloud cover 15% cumulus
summary: keeping on positive side of fuel calculation
1317nm to Hawaii, I am extremely disappointed to report that I was sleeping when Shearwater crossed the Dateline;
we are now in West longitude for the first time since leaving HKG (local time is 18th June; UTC is 19 June). The crew
claims there was not a Krispy Kreme donut shop at Dateline (I dont see how this is possible), and I believe I detected
donut breath and suspicious crumbs....
continuing bouncy; both Roger and I have pretty much abandoned the forward cabin, and I wont brush my teeth in
the forward head -- got tired of having the toothbrush halfway down my throat during a bump
cant believe I'm happy? with the idea of 4.5kt average for the past 12 hrs; but that keeps us on the positive side of
the fuel calculation...