22 June UTC Report
22 June 2013 | less than 1000 miles to go
Mike via email
present position: 15deg 25.3' N 174deg 13.7 W, COG 068True, SOG 4.2kts
estimated 24 hr position 16deg 09.0'N 172deg 20.1' W
baro: 29.86 12 hr range from 29.83-89
wind: NE 22kts 12hr range 15-22kts
seas: 3-4m
cloud: 40%
summary: Distance to Honolulu 979nm, which is more or less the halfway point between Hawaii and Majuro
another (local time) night watch; incredibly bright moon tonight -- everything around Shearwater can be seen clearly,
only as though in a film negative. We've moved the fuel from the aft tank forward to the mid tanks. We have sufficient fuel for the passage, at
the rate we've been using it.