23 June 1200 UTC Report
23 June 2013 | 845 miles to Hawai'i
Mike via email
present position: 16deg 09.9' N 171deg 59.0W, COG 069 True, SOG 6.1kts
estimated 24hr position: 17deg 08.0' N 169deg 40.4'W
baro 29.86, 12hr 29.83-.89
wind ENE 17kts, 12hr 10-20
seas 3m chop & confused
cloud 50% cloud cover, obscuring the big moon, although we did get a look at it earlier this evening
summary Better day wind dropped to low-mid teens, allowing seas to moderate, allowing increased SOG, without
increase in fuel usage. Scattered showers/squalls encountered again after absence earlier on this leg. distance to Hawaii waypoint 845nm
Almost 24hrs running high 5s and 6kts; it's been a very long time since we had these kind of SOG, and we're happy about it. Were this SOG
to remain constant for the remainder of our passage to Hawaii, we knock off 1.5 days from our previous mid 4kt average.... which we would
be very happy to accept. We've left off "flying-by" Johnston Atol; calculations showed we'd be going by at night -- and what would be the point
of that? -- also one chart showed what appeared to be reefs in the area and we'd like to steer clear of that at night. It is still within range as
a bailout should that be needed, but our forecast from Lee Chesneau says not such shelter needed.