Port McNeil
25 February 2014
25 Feb, Tues 0030 Just a quick catch-up before shutting my eyes... the run up to Port McNeil from Alert Bay was short and uneventful -- following wind and chop. We've tied up here before and like the place. Dennis and David jumped right into several tasks -- the raw-water pump on the genset, which was replaced before leaving Seattle leaked oil from the seal which had not been replaced. This was remedied and mysteriously the gen was found to be putting out 50 cycle AC, which is very strange, but also adjusted. We got the diesel heater going for the first time in several years which makes for a cheery boat. This evening we had a great meal prepared by the lovely Ms Dorothy, a couple of movies and a walk ashore in the very stiff, cold breeze with the R boys. All is well in our world.
We're looking for a reduction in the wind which will allow us to run across Queen Charlotte Strait from Vanvouver Island where we are now, to the mainland BC shore, to stage for transiting the Queen Charlotte Sound opening. There's some indication in the Environment Canada marine forecasts that we may get the opportunity tomorrow afternoon. I am determined that if we go it will be with enough time to get into shelter before dark.
Well, morning (25 Feb) in Port McNeil and though the forecast remains the same -- SE 25-35 in QC Strait, expected to drop some in the afternoon -- subjectively it seems that the wind has lessened and things are just not as fierce as they have been. Maybe it's the warmer temp, semi-clear skies and the fantastic views of snow-covered caps on the BC mainland (remember, we're still on Vancouver Island). So after dog walks, showers, breakfasts, filling of water tanks and a couple of jobs which popped up, we departed Port McNeil expecting to poke our nose into QCStrait and see it totally blown up with gale force winds. There was a wind and 1+ meter wind chop on our beam initially, but over the course of crossing the strait, winds diminished considerably, and chop along with it. The sun came out in earnest, and it actually was quite warm on deck. Opened all the deck hatches to drive out the funkadelic nod pulled in the stabilizer fish (which had been deployed as we entered the strait).
AT&T his point, 1600hrs, we're going for a crossing of QCSound, expecting to drop anchor in Pruth Bay, top of Calvert Island off Fitzhugh Passage. There's a beach there, the Rs are looking forward to -- me too!