28 June 2015 | Wrangell, AK (still on the hard)
photo by Jenna T. Nagle
Summer is here again. 2015 hardly seems possible but that's what the calendar says. The weather has been behaving like summer in northern CA since May, with extended periods of sunny weather, very little rain and fires north of Anchorage.
Final top/color coat is completed on MV DavidEllis with only the hatch and lockers covers awaiting their final coat. We chose to do nothing to the aluminum portholes, which are rotting away; simply a bridge too far for one winter's work. I'm thinking about replacing them entirely if I can find stainless substitutes to fit the size holes we already have. Anyone reading this have experience with 3D printing? Is there a plastic material, usable by 3D printers, which would be sturdy enough? The shapes certainly aren't particularly complex.
The Flag Blue finish hull color is spectacular. Everyday, admirers come trooping into the covered shelter where DE sits to ooh and ahh. You realize, of course, this has ruined me as a SE AK cruiser. I will never be able to put DE into a slip for fear of dinging the paint. Instead we'll be anchored off every town we visit, 100 fenders tied off the rails, standing guard with a shotgun to wave off anyone getting closer than 50 yards. Sorric, what have you done to me?!
We are now putting the boat back together -- cleats, rub rail strip, mooring bits, vent covers, the afore-mentioned hatch and locker covers, shorepower receptacles, and much more. We will skip the mast, stabie (para-vane stabilizer) poles and their associated fittings for this summer.
We hope to be back in the water in a week and underway towards Juneau in two.
Today we are playing hooky from working on the boat. Granddaughter Jenna is here and we have borrowed Don's jet boat "Miss Molly" to run down to the bottom of Wrangell Island and across to Anan Bay where one frequently finds both black and brown bears fishing this time of year. I didn't have the logistics quite worked out regards securing the jetboat while going out the trail to the observation area, so I stayed with the skiff while the girls went off alone. To pass the time, I've been writing this and just looked up to see a very small black bear at the water's edge about 15' away. Always something to see in Alaska.
In the meantime, July 4th in Wrangell is coming up, which is purported to be the best 4th celebration in SE (many SE towns claim this distinction). The ever-lovely Ms Dorothy is 'going local' in a big way and will be participating in a talent contest on the 3rd, clogging her heart out and submitting one of her knitting projects for the Exhibit. On the 4th the Wrangell Garnet Grit Betties will have a roller derby bout outside on the boatyard concrete (ouch!). One of the referees, of course, will be Knitty Gritty. It appears I've been roped into some non-skating officiating job, time-keeper in the penalty box I believe. Must be the corrections experience on my resume. (Oh boy, I'll get to hang out with the 'bad girls'!).
We've got a full schedule of guests, family, former co-workers and other friends. And many AK friends to re-connect with as we finally get underway on our summer wanderings in SE AK.
I realize it has become months between blog postings. If you wish to know what's happening with us in a more timely manner, and see many more photos, Dorothy and I are both on FaceBook and will be happy to 'friend' you if you send us a message. On FB I am "DavidEllis Nagle Boat" and Dot is "Dorothy Peterson Nagle"