Weather to Palau
29 January 2008
I wanted to share with you some of what goes on in decision-making and timing of passages. This is a weather chart from Navy Weather . Your virus security program may not like this website as it doesn't have a "certificate", but hey -- it's the USN!
Anyway, from the Public Website page, select "Global & Regional Prediction Charts", then "Tropical WestPac". There are many choices of weather products, but this one is "Surface streamlines and windspeed". I also look at the wave prediction chart and the surface pressure chart.
This particular chart covers an area from Katchatka (Siberia) at the top, to Indonesia / Papau New Guinea at the bottom, Sri Lanka on the left to mid-Pacific on the right. The red arrow indicates Subic Bay, on Luzon Island in the Philippine Islands; the yellow indicates the location of Palau in the Pacific, east and south from PI.
The blue/green lines and arrows indicate that the winds are blowing 20-25 knots on the port bow for a run down to Palau -- not the most comfortable ride.