Shanghaied around Australia

Who: Will Duiker & Trish Bate
Port: Garden Island Yacht Club - Port Adelaide - South Australia
07 February 2005 | Bass Strait Island
05 February 2005 | Wilsons Promontory
04 February 2005 | The prom
26 January 2005
26 January 2005 | Dromana
21 January 2005
15 January 2005 | Adelaide
31 December 1969 | Yamdena

The NW monsoon has arrived

18 January 2024 | sumbawa
trish bate | Stormy
We are on the water and headed east along the Nusa Tenggara island chain. Squalls keep us cool, friendly fisherfolk come by for a chat. A good fast sail in a 20kt northeaster yesterday on flat water east of Pulau Moyo. The heat exchanger repaired by mates in Aus is performing well! Watermaker not so well, but there is plenty of rain.

North Lombok

02 January 2024 | North Lombok
trish bate | maybe maybe the northerlies are starting

Oceanview Marina

04 December 2013 | Samal Island
It might look a bit boring, but
we were very glad to be in here while typhoon Yolanda approached; in the end it
passed 200 miles north; we only got some rain. Further north the damage
is great, as I am sure you know. If you could donate something it would
be very helpful. Yachties here and in Cebu have organised a grass-roots,
no middlemen, no bureaucrats aid program you can donate at

The marina is owned by a local family; it provides work for many
Filipinos who look after the needs of us yachties, and in the process
live much of their lives here, so we get to know some of them and their
families, which is very rewarding for us.

Armed escort

19 October 2013 | near Indo/Philippine border
Two village elders, the coastguard and armed soldiers escorted us up the sacred hill on Pulau Miangas. This tiny dot close to the Philippine/Indonesia border is host to many official groups, who graciously and generously looked after us during our stay.

Motoring up the channel

19 October 2013 | Davao
A couple more nights, a lot more unlit fishing platforms, and we felt ready for a rest as we motored toward Davao.
Vessel Name: Shanghaied
Vessel Make/Model: Crowther Buccaneer 36' Trimaran
Hailing Port: Garden Island Yacht Club - Port Adelaide - South Australia
Crew: Will Duiker & Trish Bate
About: Will Duiker Trish Bate Various family, friends and fly in guests
The blog starts in 2005 when we depart Adelaide for nearly one year sailing around Tasmania. In 2006 we join a cruise in Spencer Gulf. In 2007 we set out across the Bight and up the Western Australian coast and reach Darwin by the end of the year. Since then we have been working in Darwin and [...]
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Shanghaied around Australia

Who: Will Duiker & Trish Bate
Port: Garden Island Yacht Club - Port Adelaide - South Australia