M/V Shangri-La CruiseBlog

This is the Cruise Journal of the M/V Shangri-La crewed by Cap'n Kenny and Nancy Sallee of Oconto, WI.

22 November 2012
28 July 2012 | Oak Orchard, WI
28 July 2012 | Pensaukee, WI
15 July 2012 | Oconto, WI
25 June 2012 | Oconto, WI
23 June 2012 | WavePoint Marina, Little Sturgeon, WI
09 June 2012 | Oconto, WI
28 August 2011 | Oconto, Wisconsin
22 August 2011 | Oconto, Wisconsin
20 August 2011 | Oconto, Wisconsin
28 July 2011 | Little Sturgeon Bay, WI
19 July 2011 | Bay of Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 July 2011 | Oconto Yacht Club, Oconto, WI
15 August 2010 | Oconto Yacht Club, Oconto, WI
14 August 2010 | Menominee, MI
13 August 2010 | Menominee, MI
05 July 2010 | The Bay of Green Bay
04 July 2010 | The Bay of Green Bay
03 July 2010 | The Bay of Green Bay
02 July 2010 | The Bay of Green Bay

Sheboygan to Manitowoc Cruise - Day 1

07 July 2007 | Manitowoc, WI
Cap'n Kenny
We left this morning for a 2 day trip to Manitowoc. Crew onboard was myself and Barb. Guest onboard was Suzi from Oklahoma City. The weather was nice until we started to leave the Sheboygan harbor when some fog rolled in. Well the fog never really got any better on the 22 mile trip. About half way we ran into some heavy rain and then more fog. I really put the new computer navigation system and radar to a real test. It took us right to the Manitowoc harbor, where our first attempt to enter the harbor, I looked up and there was the SS Badger coming out. I turned the boat around and got out of it's way since all I could see was the top of the smoke stack. Again we headed for the entrance of the harbor where I couldn't see the light house until just before entering. I call the marina on the radio and they assigned me a slip where there was 2 dock assistants there to assist in docking. After we were tied up I plugged into the electrical box and it kept throwing the breaker. I checked our electrical system and couldn't find anything wrong. Frank came up from Sheboygan to try to help with the problem. Finely we plugged into a different box and everything work fine. Afterwards I cleaned all the old caulking from around the forward hatch where it was leaking last week and re-caulked it. I also cleaned all the old caulking from the bottom of the front port cabin window and re-caulked it.

Vessel Name: Shangri-La
Vessel Make/Model: The Shangri-La is a 35' steel hulled 1960 Chris-Craft Roamer Express Cruiser Deluxe 6S. Hull # ROX35-418
Hailing Port: Oconto, WI
Crew: Master - Kenny D. Sallee, First Mate - Nancy L. Sallee
About: Captain Kenny Sallee is licensed by the United States Coast Guard as a Master of Steam or Motor Vessels for the Great Lakes and Inland Waters with a Master Commercial Assistance Towing Endorsement. Coast Guard License # 000206821.
Extra: The Shangri-La is a USCG documented vessel with a Coastwise Unrestricted Trade Endorsement in service as a Passenger Vessel (6 or fewer).
Home Page: http://www.owfish.com
Shangri-La's Photos - Main
19 Photos
Created 16 January 2011
15 Photos
Created 16 January 2011