I was on the boat by 05:30 hours this morning checking some electrical problems. I had a dream last night how to maybe fix my starboard engine temperature and oil pressure gauge. I checked voltages like I maybe had done before and everything checkout ok. I also wired my bulge high water alarm back up.
Around 06:00, I started to walk back to our motorhome when I noticed dark clouds to our west. I checked Doppler radar on my smart phone and there was a line of thunderstorms larger than Lake Michigan moving in from the west. The day before, I checked the marine weather and everything looked like it was going to be a nice 20 mile cruise to
Menominee today. I checked weather on my computer back at the motorhome and seen that the thunderstorm has been building and there was a lot of lighting associated with it. I seen a couple other boaters that were planing on going this morning and they agreed with me to wait until the storm passed over then make a determination about going.
It started to sprinkle around 11:00 hours to I closed up the boat thinking there was going to be a heavy down pour and then checked Doppler radar again. As the storm approached Oconto, it started to break up. We all agreed to wait another hour or so and then check the weather again. In the mean while, Barb and I went into town to pickup some last minute items and have lunch. When we came back, we drove to the harbor to see what the bay looked like. The wind was still blowing from the west and there were some white caps. We met Dick out there and he said that a couple miles out it was still going to be rough.
Around 13:30 this afternoon, Dick said he was going to go out in just a few minutes. Barb wasn't ready to go yet so I told him to give us about 20 minutes and we would be ready to go.
The Bold One and the
Phase One left the docks at 14:15 and we followed about 10 to 15 minutes later.
The waves were not too bad as we left the harbor. But the further out we went, the rougher it got. We decided to continue though. We took water over the bow only a couple of times by the time we reached our turning point at the Peshtigo Lighthouse. After turning north, the ride got a little better. By the time we made it to Menekaunee, we caught up with The Bold One and Phase One. As we approached the
Menominee Marina, I called requesting docking on the south wall for the 3 of us and letting them know that there were 2 more boats following us in a couple of hours. We made the 20 mile cruise in about 1 hour and 15 minutes. About 2 hours after our arrival, 2 more boats, the Narcosis and the Golden Opportunity, arrived from our yacht club.