05 March 2012 | Treasure Cay
17 January 2012 | Abacos Bahamas
02 February 2011 | Hopetown (Elbow Cay)
11 January 2011 | Great Sale Cay (still)
11 January 2011 | Bahama Banks
11 January 2011 | Bahamas
11 January 2011 | Hobe Sound
11 January 2011 | Indiantown
08 December 2010 | Indian Town, Florida
11 April 2010 | Tarpon Springs
02 December 2009 | Carabelle
01 December 2009 | Joe's Bayou
01 December 2009 | Big Lagoon,
05 March 2012 | Treasure Cay
Haven't written lately, our girls were down for 8 days. Crowded boat YES, but fun by all, We had two days of great sailing, fishing, motoring, with sunny but windy skies. Managed to catch 3 fish in one day, one a black tip shark, and the other, dinner. The other days consisted of exploring the abaco haunts.
We are now in Treasure, waiting for the winds to subside, be moving by Thursday. Firstly headed to the southern part of the Abaco and then to Green Turtle for a session on the North End of the Abaco , That is it for now....
Treasure Cay & roots
10 February 2012
balmy and cloudy
Well , back again after a brief lull in the blog... seems we are still rooted in Treasure Cay,almost to the point where the Tarpon have begun to roost under the keel, just a nice place to be with pizza Nights on Thursday , sticky buns if you want them, (right out of the oven) , Canadian Fellowship (s), golf, wifi and hot showers... Ahhhh. Hard to beat!!! The night trips back to the boat after Happy Hour have the amusement (crossing path with one of the local fish population... shark). The girls are set to arrive soon, we will be cutting roots and head to Marsh Harbour and the surrounding islands. Blustery day yesterday, went up one of the creeks , saw turtles , Barracuda, and a small nurse shark , also tried jigging with squid , only caught crabs, fast lttle fellows.
Just for the record, "half of Sailing Ontario is here " bye for now
We Are Back
17 January 2012 | Abacos Bahamas
70 Degrees
Just a recap, we put the boat away in April 2011 and returned to the boat at AYS at Green Turtle in the Abacos. Hurricane Irene took her toll on the islands, but was kinder in the North Abacos No real damage to the greatest portion of the boating community, and we have heard of no loss of life due to IRENE. We spent 4 great days aboard Quality Time (in the company of Anne and Terry) while we prepared our boat for launch. Once the boat was launched, we spent the first week at Leeward getting the boat in order and checking out the systems (refrigeration) etc. Glad to see our local friends were well. We then crossed "THE WHALE" and on to Marsh Harbour for Supplies. We are now at Treasure Cay and plan on staying here for the winter balmys. Mr Myers is still supplying the islands (rum) and everyone is getting their daily fix of Vitamin C. Until the next time......
Still in the Bahamas (Abaco)
27 February 2011
It seems I have been delinquent on writing this blog, Iam to blame, however, there is not anything significant to report at this time, still the same, catching fish , enjoying people , sunshine, sailing,snorkeling, waters, sand etc.
Becky and Jeff were here for 10 days, and got a great tour, and not too badly burnt. The boat is back to order, and now we are slowly heading to the south end of the sea of Abaco As I sit here and write the blog, I'm looking at the Hopetown Lighthouse, one of three remaining lights using Kerosene and a mercury Bath. For all those who look forward to reading the blog everyday, I apologize , for the rest, cut the lines and come on down... or at least start planning your getaway, it's quite simply " AMAZING"........ 80 plus degrees here today.
Bye for Now!!!!!
Snake Cay to Marsh Harbour
02 February 2011
We motor sailed for about an hour to recharge the batteries, by the time we arrived at boat harbour the sun was high and hot with a cool breeze out of the NW, enough to give us 3 knots (comfortable and slow). In my wisdom or not, I decided to wash a lure ( a salmon lure that has caught but one other fish) .I let out approx. 150 feet of 30 lb test and just left the lure trailing near the surface , still doing less than three knots. If nothing else we would be able to determine the life expectancy of a lure in salt water (disintegration) Sitting comfortably at the wheel ,Dianne advised very quietly, you have a fish on Pat. All hell broke loose. Started reeling, what a fight, but as the fish is getting closer, what is it, how big is it (as I looked at the Pickeral net). Dianne made it clear, not the cockpit. We got it to surface , put it in the dinghy, blood all over, got some ice and put both the fish and the ice in the dinghy and here is the picture of the first fish we caught in the Bahamas..........
Hopetown to Snake Cay
02 February 2011
Another beautiful day , traveled (sail and motored ) to Snake Cay and anchored in the lee of the North entrance, Went for a dinghy ride, say turtle grass anthe odd fish and ray, but the dinghy is noisy. That evening , three folks (german) came over for a visit. had some wine and developed hand signal communication skills. Just after dark, the waters around the boat lit up, (not UFO) , the jellyfish are in some cases luminescent, and this went on for about 20 minutes. The next day was overcast with slight breeze, so time was spent on board doing odd jobs and a whole lot of relaxing. The next morning, standing on deck, 2 black shapes just under water, turned out to be eagle rays x 2, spending a good 20 min. next to the boat. Great start for the day. We decided in the late morning to head to Marsh Harbour via Matt Lowe Key. This will be a seperate entry....