Hot, Hot, Hot!
28 May 2011 | La Paz
Yep, it's hot here all right. It's been 95+ degrees everyday. Fortunately Marina Palmira is adjacent to a hotel that allows marina slip renters use of their pool. We've been using/abusing those pool privileges every day.
We've also been busy, busy, busy getting the boat in top notch shape for the bash back north. Thursday we took the mainsail to a sail loft where Bob and Lee put sticky back material down the entire leech of the sail. It really looks like a Minney's sail now. But at least it doesn't have duct tape, yet. Lee keeps saying he is so embarrased about the sail. But it's a North sail, not an Elliot Pattison sail so I keep telling him not to worry.
Yesterday the guys started to change the belts when they noticed the engine driven compressor bracket had broken again. It's been welded twice already. So off it came from the engine (no easy feat) and delivered to a welder. Lee made some design changes that should strengthen the bracket.
Today the guys tested all the bilge pumps including the manual pump. They made some modifications and all the pumps are working perfectly. We also moved some gear around to shift weight out of the bow into the midsections of the boat. This should reduce the effects of pounding from the waves. We also got word from our insurance agent that our deadline to get north of Rio San Tomas has been extended from July 1 to July 15th. That's a good thing because we want to wait a little longer to get started home in hopes the weather systems calm down on the Pacific side of Baja.
Tonight we will test all the lights (running, steaming, disco (no, just kidding). The oil was just changed last week so that task is done. Sirocco has done very well the entire trip and there isn't all that much we need to do to get ready for the bash. But Lee always wants everything working perfectly so I'm sure we will be doing little projects the next few days.
Les George, a friend from Oceanside, will fly down to Cabo to help deliver the boat back. Les delivered Sirocco back last year and did a terrific job so we're glad he can help again. The plan is to leave Cabo on June 22nd, weather permitting.