Sisiutl Passages

Web page to share the passages of s/v Sisiutl as we explore the oceans of the world.....

27 May 2010 | Australia
10 May 2010 | Pacific Ocean
01 May 2010 | Pacific Ocean
12 April 2010 | Opua, New Zealand
07 April 2008 | South Pacific
06 November 2007 | Opua, New Zealand
07 April 2007 | Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico
13 February 2007 | La Cruz
14 November 2006 | Redondo Beach
24 October 2006 | Passage: Hawaii to California
15 March 2006 | This artwork is on the stern of Sisiutl (And Bob's right shoulder)
25 December 2005 | La Cruz
01 December 2005

Going up coast....

27 May 2010 | Australia
Bob Bechler
Having a great sail up the coast of Australia. Have stopped in several places and MANY more to come. Great sailing conditions. Have been to New Zealand twice and this is the first time to Australia. If I am ever in this part of the world again I will skip New Zealand and head directly for Australia.. The rumors about how difficult it is to get into Australia and just that....rumors!!! Just follow their rules and it is as easy as falling down to go thru their entrance procedures.

Passage to Australia

10 May 2010 | Pacific Ocean
Bob Bechler
Heading from Vanuatu to Australia....nice crossing so far and pretty fast for Sisiutl..... Will arrive well before we planned.

Arrived in Port Villa, Vanuatu

01 May 2010 | Pacific Ocean
Bob Bechler
Arrived safe and sound in Port Villa. Lovely little city in Vanuatu. Will get Australian visas here for Karin and Daniel. Sailing off for Australia in a week or less. Bunch of reefs in the way so will need to be careful.
Vessel Name: Sisiutl
Vessel Make/Model: Gulfstar Ketch 44�
Hailing Port: Portland, OR
Crew: Bob & Alexandria Bechler
Bob left Seattle in 2002 and has sailed the Pacific since then covering more that 64,000 miles.Eventually want to complete a circumnavigation.... Currently in Senibong Cove Marina, Malaysia across the waterway from Singapore. [...]
Extra: Exploring the oceans of the world.... "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
Sisiutl's Photos - Calms at sea
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Spinnaker not helping...
Spinnaker not helping...
Added 1 December 2006