The Adventures of Smart Move

13 June 2015 | Tyrell Bay, Carriacou
24 May 2015 | Saints Anne, Martinique
24 March 2015 | Puerto del Rey Marina, Fajardo, Puerto Rico
01 February 2015 | Charlestown, Nevis
13 January 2015 | Prickly Bay, Grenada
03 December 2014 | Prickly Bay, Grenada
01 December 2014 | Somewhere in the Caribbean Sea
01 December 2014 | Somewhere In The Caribbean Sea
30 November 2014 | Fajardo, Puerto Rico
22 November 2014 | Puerto del Rey Marina, Fajardo, Puerto Rico
29 October 2014 | San Juan, Puerto Rico
26 August 2014 | Cheyenne, Wyoming
01 August 2014 | Highlands Ranch, Colorado
29 July 2014 | Cheyenne, Wyoming
16 May 2014 | Sunbay Marina, Fajardo, Puerto Rico
15 May 2014 | Sunbay Marina, Fajardo, Puerto Rico
14 May 2014 | Sunbay Marina, Fajardo, Puerto Rico
02 April 2014 | Terre D'en Haut, Iles des Saintes
31 March 2014 | Prince Rupert Bay, Dominica

Rebel Heart: If You Are Going To Judge People At Least Get Your Facts Straight

07 April 2014
I am totally appalled at the one sided and completely ignorant news coverage concerning the rescue at sea of our internet friends aboard the ‪s/v RebelHeart‬. We have not seen any of the TV coverage just the stuff being posted on the internet and the amount of blatant untruths that are being spread about sailing and particularly sailing with children is shocking and disturbing!

I think Torre DeRoche, author of the Fearful Adventurer blog does a good job of summing the situation up:

"All the people who never had the courage to live their dreams and do something meaningful and inspired with their lives are having a field day right now. Charlotte dared to do something amazing with her family, which evokes furious jealousy in those who are committed to living out fear-ridden and inane existences. But oh how delicious it feels to those types when the dreamers fall down. "See?" they say. "The easy and mediocre choices we made were the right ones." Well, congratulations on being resentful, lazy, dull and ignorant. May you stew in your own toxic juices while the rest of us keep on living inspired and daring lives, unafraid of your bitter judgements. More ocean, adventure and genuine achievement for the rest of us to enjoy. We're all on the same journey towards death, but some of us will discover more joy and mind-blowing dimensions to life before we're six feet under. Cheers to my fellow adventurers. Stay strong and united." - Torre DeRoche (

Why is everyone so quick to jump on the bandwagon and judge people they do not even know and accuse them of being bad people/parents when they do not know the entire story? Rebel Heart was a well prepared boat with a crew (mom and dad) that carefully planned this voyage with safety for their girls guiding the planning.

The boat kids we have met so far are some of the happiest, most articulate and confident kids we have ever seen -- clearly their parents are doing something right.

Vessel Name: Smart Move
Vessel Make/Model: Beneteau 473
Hailing Port: Salt Lake City, Utah
Crew: Barry, Robyn, Lilly and Chloe
Smart Move's Photos - Main
The Big Little Island
7 Photos
Created 25 March 2014
9 Photos
Created 2 December 2012
9 Photos
Created 18 November 2012
20 Photos
Created 18 November 2012
Pictures from Sherri's October 2012 visit.
9 Photos
Created 17 November 2012
Our time in Fajardo, Puerto Rico
6 Photos
Created 17 September 2012
1 Photo
Created 7 September 2012
Pictures from Miami, Florida 2012
3 Photos
Created 25 February 2012
San Juan February 2012
2 Photos
Created 18 February 2012
5 Photos
Created 14 January 2012