Sept 26, 2010. While we are waiting for Russ's Surgery date we have been taking day exploration trips around the area. Today we left the house bound for Moon Lake. The terrain by the house is sagebrush and cedar trees. This is the high desert. We are in the Uintah Mountains and Moon Lake is in the High Uintah. As we drive closer to Moon Lake the terrain starts to change. We are now seeing Quaking Aspens and Lodge pole Pine trees. It is beautiful. We arrive at the camp ground and set up for lunch. Lunch is chicken & pork salad sandwiches and green salad along with a soda. You can't beat that.
After lunch we drove to the lake. The lake water was down so we were able to drive down on the lake bed a little ways. This is where we let Taco and Lucy Run. This is their favorite activity. The minute their little paws touch the sand of the beach their off running, chasing, exploring and attacking each other. Lucy discovered the dinghy's on the beach and chose her favorite and of course it was the one that was half in the water and half out. She sniffed it up and down on both sides and backed up and looked at it and after fully checking the out side out she tried to get in it. When she found out she could not jump in she turned her attention to the water it was sitting in. She loves water. She took a drink and then started jumping in it first at ankle deep and then up to her belly. She was in heaven. Now Taco not wanting to be left out decided to brave the wet mud to get to her. That is amazing to see since Taco is the dog that will walk a mile around a drop of water. They had a great time.
We all jumped in the car and headed back. The trip back was interrupted by horses on the side of the road. I rolled my window down to let Lucy and Taco see the horses. Russ stopped right next to one of the horses. Lucy and Taco did not know what to think. This is the first time they have been close to a horse. The horse turned around and started moving toward the open window. I reached out and petted the horse on the nose and Lucy and Taco stuck their heads out the window to investigate the horse. Lucy was more curious and actually touched noses with the horse. After a couple of seconds she decided that Taco and the family needed protection and tried to attack the horse. Good thing I had a good hold on her and her collar. The horse took a step back and looked at her like "Don't you know you are an appetizer to me" and then walked behind the car and looked at us and another horse followed and Russ got the great shot of the horse in the side mirror.
We are now back on our way and have to stop again for a cow in the road. Again this is the first up close and personal experience for Lucy to see a cow. The cow stayed on the side of the road and Lucy looked at him and then realized that she was looking at a cow and started barking and the turned tail and ran, then stopped, turned around and looked at this little creature that startled him.
The rest of the trip home was uneventful.
Lucy & Taco Meet Horse
Moon Lake Bed Looking To Shore
Moon Lake Bed Where We Parked
Lodge Pole Pines
Quaking Aspen Trunks
Quaking Aspen Trees