Hip Replacement Day
04 October 2010 | VA Hospital Salt Lake City, Utah
Oct 4th is surgery day. We are up early and at the VA by 8:30 am. Since Sarcoidosis is in Russ's history they had to do some sonograms of his heart to take pressure reading. All were ok except they could not get the bottom chamber. They said that it looked like Sarcoid had affected the heart because it was shimmery more than normal. They also said that while he was under they would put a scope down his throat and take pictures and pressure readings of his heart. At about 10:00 am they rolled him away. I was waiting in the family waiting room with the others. The surgery is to take about 1 ½ and at 12:20 Russ is rolled by on his way to recovery. The student nurse that was in his OR saw me and told me Russ did great, and there were no complications. At about 4:00 pm a doctor talked to me and said that Russ is robust and if he can handle the stairs he can go home on Wednesday. He also apologized that the surgeon had not been out to talk to me sooner but he had to jump into the OR that was scheduled right behind Russ.
And as planned I bring Russ home on Wednesday Oct 6th. Well everything is going well with Russ.