Released To Travel
21 October 2010 | Salt Lake City, Utah
I had my follow up appointment and the doctor said that I had one more week of restriction on lifting and that I wass released to drive. No follow up visit after this appointment is necessary. This is great news. One down one to go.
Now we are off to the VA to get Russ's staples removed and to find out what restrictions he has. The doctor was really impressed with how well Russ was doing. The incision looks great and the staples removed. He also was released to drive if he was carefull. He does have a follow up in 4 weeks. We will do that down in Arizona.
Russ has started making preparation in the motorhome. The fouton is now secured along with the entertainment center and tv. I have gone through the bathroom cabinets, closet and the cabinets above the dining table. Now I have to go through the kitchen and decide where what goes.
Once that is done then we load the motorhome with food and remaining personal items and off we go.
Good bye cold, Sierrera Vista here we come.
We plan on taking our time getting there, so stay tuned you never know where we will end up next.