Safford AZ to Double Adobe AZ
19 November 2010 | Arizona
We drove to the Roper Lake State Park and the price for dry camping was $15.00 a night so we opted for a free BLM spot. We ended up at Gila Reptilian day site where we spent the night. The next morning the volunteer ranger came by and asked us to leave. Before we did that we took a drive to try and find the camp ground. Now that was a story in it self. The road was all gravel and wide enough to fit one car. Our SUV barley fit is some places. We only found the day site. One place it was a 15% grade. Thank goodness we did not take the motor home down that, not sure she would make it back up. After getting back to the motor home we moved down to the airport to stay. We had to get permission from the city manager to do this. We stayed there for three days. Mom and dad went over to the Roper State Park for the three days. They have a rock hot tub that is feed by a natural hot spring; although small it was pretty nice. The showers were nice there also. We had thanksgiving over at moms' trailer. I fixed the turkey, stuffing and bean bake and mom made the rest. A great thanksgiving was had by all.
We ended up at the Double Adobe RV Park for a couple of days. We go RV'ing like we go boating. We anchor out 99% of the time and go to a marina to wash the boat, take on water and do laundry. With the RV it is the same. Pull into the RV park to take on water and dump the black, gray water and do laundry. Then move to a primitive site to enjoy what it has to offer ie... wildlife, wilderness, rivers etc...
While here at the RV Park the temperatures are in the teens at night. The elevation is about 5,500 feet. I guess we need to move to lower elevation for warmer temps. Double Adobe is about 15-20 miles from the border of Mexico. The heater has been pretty temperamental and has a mind of its own. It works great for a few nights and then decides to not work in the middle of the night around 3:00 am. We know it has a sense of humor because it quit on the coldest night which was 11 degrees, thank goodness mom showed me how to make hats on the round loom. I had just finished two hats when this happened. So for a couple of night we put the hats on for sleeping. That worked great.