Run Off The Road
19 December 2011 | Santequin, Utah
On December 16th we purchased a Ford F350 dully and on Monday December 19th after getting it registered we were headed back down to Columbus NM.
The weather was cold slight fog and occasional snow flurrys. We were driving in the left lane heading south when a Ford Explores pulling a trailer with a mule in it started to jack knife into our lane and forced us off the road. Russ tried to bring the truck back on the road and could not so he steered it off into the median at 65 miles per hour heading southeast. (Luckly the median was a wide natural weeded median and not a cement one.) I saw the snow pole hit the truck on my side and slide under the truck the next obsticle is a 55 gallon barrel sitting in front of a concrete piller that was connected to a bridge.
Russ is an excellent driver. While flying across the median he was steering and slowly slowing the truck down to make the turn around the barrel. Which he did without touching the North bound traffic lanes. We went around the barrel on the east side of the meridan and stopped facing southwest.
If he could not have slowed the truck down enough to turn around the barrel we would have ended up facing east in the north bound traffic lanes and at that time there were two 18 wheelers one in each lane.
I know God was looking out for us that day, if he wasn't we would not be here.
The Ford Explorer was able to get under control and pulled over about a mile or two down the road and waited for us. We have to thank him for being honest and admitting he was at fault.
We called our insurance while at the scene and they gave us a repair facility in El Paso. Now that is the major agenda.