Sail to the Med. via the Pacific

The Skipper does not financially subsidize crew, but he does offer a well-equipped and comfortable sailing vessel. For more info:


Who: Jacques Elbert
Port: Vancouver B.C. Canada
16 June 2005 | Sea of Cortes, Northen Baja, Mexico

Sailing to the Med. via the Pacific!

16 June 2005 | Sea of Cortes, Northen Baja, Mexico
Jacques Elbert
"Sailing to the ancient Hub of Civilizations"
Around the world, in no one else's wake!

Crew needed (male): Mate, Cook, Deck Hand.
Off-shore/costal sailing experience a must.

Are you eager to learn, willing to share in the workload?
Have the "Team" mind set? View a problem as a challenge rather than as an excuse? If so, you'll definetly be an asset to the whole team, welcome to sail with us in what might be,
the greatest adventure of a life time.

Priority is given to applicants with experience in any phase in Video Production.

Have what it takes to be part of our Quest?
Find out!
Vessel Name: Océanis II
Vessel Make/Model: 41 ft (47OA) center cockpit ketch
Hailing Port: Vancouver B.C. Canada
Crew: Jacques Elbert
Crew needed (2): Cook/Deckhand. 1st Mate signed on. Only straight age 30-65. Short term crew no longer considered. Sailing to the Med via the Pacific. Share expenses US $10/day. Departure April 2008 from San Carlos, Sonora, Sea of Cortes, Mexico. [...]
Sailing the seven seas is a once in a life time experience and a dream to make come true for me. A total enjoyable experience is when I can share it with other kindred souls. This is not a "love boat" type cruise. Only highly commited and motivated individuals with available time to complete the [...]
Home Page:


Who: Jacques Elbert
Port: Vancouver B.C. Canada