Adventures aboard Soul Purpose

03 April 2013 | Mouchoir Bank (Atlantic Ocean) and South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands
28 March 2013 | Sapodilla Bay, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
27 March 2013 | Georgetown, Great Exuma
03 March 2013 | Rudder Cut Cay, Exumas
22 February 2013 | Allans Cay to Staniel Cay, Exumas
15 February 2013 | Paradise Island - Atlantis Resort
14 February 2013 | Nassau, Bahamas
06 February 2013 | Governor's Harbour, Eleuthera
02 February 2013 | Pineapple Cays, Eleuthera
19 January 2013 | Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas
08 November 2012
29 May 2012 | Dickies Cay to John Cash Point (near Marsh Harbor)
28 May 2012 | Fisher’s Bay to Cistern to Man-O-War Cay / Dickies Cay (back and forth across the Sea of Abaco)
27 May 2012 | Green Turtle Cay to Fishers Bay, Great Guana Cay
23 May 2012 | Crab Cay to Bluff House Marina, Green Turtle Cay
22 May 2012 | Crab Cay, Little Abaco Island to Crab Cay off Manjack Cay
21 May 2012 | Great Sale Cay to Green Turtle Cay, umm, nope, how about Crab Cay on Little Abaco Island instead?
19 May 2012 | Lake Worth, FL to West End (Settlement Point), Grand Bahama Island
18 May 2012 | Stuart, FL to Lake Worth (West Palm Beach), FL

Day 8: Alligators, Sailors and Surf

28 October 2011 | Oriental, NC
Overcast, NE Wind 22 Kts, 0-5 ft waves
Nautical Miles Travelled: 84 nautical miles (98 statue miles) & we passed Mile Marker 100 today on the ICW!
Total Trip Miles: 535 nautical miles

We started our morning by checking in with the Alligator River Bridge to see if they were opening today with the gusty wind conditions. Fortunately for us, we woke at the same time as our fellow boats in the marina and were able to get a 4-boat crew timed together for a special bridge opening. So off we, luckily down wind! While we started as boat #2 in the caravan through the bridge, we quickly hoisted the genaker and off we were through the wide Alligator River as boat #1. The River is more like a lake due to it's size, but the water is dark dark dark brown, so it feels like a river for sure.

The first few hours of the trek were windy but fun as we launched down the open area of the ICW in a down wind run. Once reaching land, we navigated through the dredged ICW which is a 150' wide cut through the swamps and land. We kept the sail up for a while until the twists of the river forced us back onto motors only. We quickly found ourselves all alone in the river and so the new goal for the day - see an Alligator!

I'm happy to report that after hours of searching, I spotted some bubbles and up popped an Alligator!!! He was little, but an alligator none the less. Funny how exciting it can be to see something other than muddy water and egrets all day.

So after the excitement of alligator river, we progressed through the Pungo River where we figure the other three boats must have ended their day in Bellhaven. We, on the other hand, were on a misson to make some distance. We flew through the rivers and into the Palmico Sound where it was blowin' strong and we were off riding waves down wind. We ran an average of 10 knots with the highlight at 11.3 knots when Soul Purpose surfed the 6' waves. We pushed onward with our eyes set on a neat little sailing town called Oriental. We called into the marnia at 5:30 PM and the were ready for our arrival just past night fall at 6:45 PM. We crept into the harbor behind the breakwater and tied up at a 400' face dock, met by Russ who tipped us off to the restaurant's fare and the party presently underway at the Tiki Bar.

After a long 12 hr day of sailing through cool winds and overcast skies, we were well overdue for a hot shower and some food. We had a twisted tea to relax while getting cleaned up and then headed to dinner and the Tiki Bar. We met the locals who were extremely welcoming. We ate a fullfilling dinner of mussels and flounder and had a few more drinks to close out the night. By the time we hit our pillows, we were ready for a good nights sleep, hopefully to do it all again tomorrow...
Vessel Name: Soul Purpose
Vessel Make/Model: Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40
Hailing Port: Portsmouth, RI
Crew: Derek & Rachel
Soul Purpose is a Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40 catamaran. She is 40' in length with a 21'6" beam and was manufactured in France. [...]
Soul Purpose's Photos - Main
1 Photo | 9 Sub-Albums
Created 2 February 2013
The first of our adventures aboard Soul Purpose
3 Sub-Albums
Created 8 November 2012
25 days in the Abacos (our first trip outside of US waters) May-June 2012
1 Photo | 4 Sub-Albums
Created 8 November 2012
Our Loggerhead Family Photos - Summer 2012
30 Photos
Created 8 November 2012

Home on the Ocean

Who: Derek & Rachel
Port: Portsmouth, RI

Our Trip & Current Location

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2013 Copyright. D&R Ottaviano
2013 Copyright. D&R Ottaviano