Adventures aboard Soul Purpose

03 April 2013 | Mouchoir Bank (Atlantic Ocean) and South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands
28 March 2013 | Sapodilla Bay, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
27 March 2013 | Georgetown, Great Exuma
03 March 2013 | Rudder Cut Cay, Exumas
22 February 2013 | Allans Cay to Staniel Cay, Exumas
15 February 2013 | Paradise Island - Atlantis Resort
14 February 2013 | Nassau, Bahamas
06 February 2013 | Governor's Harbour, Eleuthera
02 February 2013 | Pineapple Cays, Eleuthera
19 January 2013 | Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas
08 November 2012
29 May 2012 | Dickies Cay to John Cash Point (near Marsh Harbor)
28 May 2012 | Fisher’s Bay to Cistern to Man-O-War Cay / Dickies Cay (back and forth across the Sea of Abaco)
27 May 2012 | Green Turtle Cay to Fishers Bay, Great Guana Cay
23 May 2012 | Crab Cay to Bluff House Marina, Green Turtle Cay
22 May 2012 | Crab Cay, Little Abaco Island to Crab Cay off Manjack Cay
21 May 2012 | Great Sale Cay to Green Turtle Cay, umm, nope, how about Crab Cay on Little Abaco Island instead?
19 May 2012 | Lake Worth, FL to West End (Settlement Point), Grand Bahama Island
18 May 2012 | Stuart, FL to Lake Worth (West Palm Beach), FL

Days 21 -22: Winter safehaven

11 November 2011 | Stuart, FL
Good breeze with sunshine :)
First priority in the few days remaining was finding a home for Soul Purpose. We swiftly started plotting course to marinas and boatyards wtihin 30 minutes of my parent's place; after making some visits and calls, we choose the Hinkley Boatyard in Stuart, FL. Tony Schalletti is the Service Manager and instantly hit it off with Derek - come to find out Tony is a NE native as well and of all places, is from Newburyport! Not only that, but Hinkley can haul our boat in the spring (similar to NE, there aren't a lot of yards/marinas with large lifts to pull our 23' beam out of the water). After negotiating a monthly per foot rate to keep Soul in the water at Hinkley's gated boatyard, we made plans to sail her over a few days later.

We stopped by the boat and started pulling some dirty laundry and open food off and prepping her for a winter at Hinkley. The next day we returned to a bird poop covered deck and the largest crows in existence atop the mast - what a way to thank Soul!

It was time for our final trek back 3 miles toward the St. Lucie Inland and into the Manatee Pocket... The pocket is this awesome little inlet that seems to be a hurricane hole or something similar; shallow waters (so shallow that they were re-dredging the channel) and plenty of marinas. We had a little time to kill before Hinkley was ready to bring us in, so before entering the pocket, we did a few loops in Hooker Cove on one engine while Derek changed the oil on the other. Back on two engines, Tony guided us in via radio and before we knew it we were tied up for the last time on our journey.

Over the next few days, we cleaned the boat, spread out evaporation buckets and bags to manage the moisture inside the boat while away and placed a boatload of dryer sheets throughout the cabins and saloon to keep Soul fresh in the FL heat (thanks for the tip Tony!). Tony agreed to air the boat out every week or so and my parents would swing by once a month to check her out and report on the ever increasing bird poop problem. With mixed emotions, we said goodbye to our baby and starting dreaming of the next visit to FL where we would clean her up once again, stretch her sails and float around the ICW and open ocean!

BTW - we are now officially homeless!
Vessel Name: Soul Purpose
Vessel Make/Model: Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40
Hailing Port: Portsmouth, RI
Crew: Derek & Rachel
Soul Purpose is a Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40 catamaran. She is 40' in length with a 21'6" beam and was manufactured in France. [...]
Soul Purpose's Photos - Main
1 Photo | 9 Sub-Albums
Created 2 February 2013
The first of our adventures aboard Soul Purpose
3 Sub-Albums
Created 8 November 2012
25 days in the Abacos (our first trip outside of US waters) May-June 2012
1 Photo | 4 Sub-Albums
Created 8 November 2012
Our Loggerhead Family Photos - Summer 2012
30 Photos
Created 8 November 2012

Home on the Ocean

Who: Derek & Rachel
Port: Portsmouth, RI

Our Trip & Current Location

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2013 Copyright. D&R Ottaviano
2013 Copyright. D&R Ottaviano