South African Maritime Mobile Net, SA MM Net, SAMMNET.CO.ZA, SAMMNET.COM

Who: Graham, Sam
Port: Durban
29 April 2017 | Cape Town
13 March 2016 | Cape Town
13 December 2015
26 February 2011 | Mid South Atlantic Ocean
20 February 2011 | Storms River
20 February 2011 | Storms River
20 February 2011 | Storms River
20 February 2011 | Storms River
30 September 2009 | Durban
30 September 2009 | Durban
28 September 2009 | Durban
27 September 2009 | Durban
25 September 2009 | Durban
24 September 2009 | Durban

First call for Winlink 2000 HF Winmor RMS stations.

29 September 2009 | Durban
First call for Winlink 2000 HF Winmor RMS stations.

Call for HF WINMOR RMS stations: Please contact Steve K4CJX directly via
e-mail at (replace AT with @ of course)

Please include, Name, call, address, Grid Square, telephone number, and
equipment list to be used.

Required, are the following:

1. dedicated operation on dedicated equipment 24 x7 x 365.

2. adequate resources to run such an operation on the ham bands at a minimum
Of 100 watts without manually tuning the antenna for several frequencies.

3. UPS protected computer (required), and if available, generator power (not

4. Permanent Internet connectivity.

5. External soundcard operation, preferably, the Signalink USB.
What is NOT acceptable is to utilize the internal computer soundcard used by
the Windows operating system. Quote from the WINMOR help file:

"In all cases if you are serious about using WINMOR it is STRONGLY
recommended to use a dedicated high-quality Sound card (not the one
normally assigned to Windows) with a well-isolated interface. If you are
trying to use the main computer's sound card it is essential you disable
Windows sounds and not operate other programs that might try and access the
sound card."

For more information see, "Soundcard" in the RMS Express Help file.

Finally, the method for acquiring WINMOR HF RMS stations is to evenly
populate the Globe with properly placed Winlink RF nodes in order to provide
an optimal solution for the end-user.

Thanks much,

Steve, k4cjx, aaa9ac
Winlink network administrator
Winlink development team

Vessel Name: South African Maritime Mobile Net - ZS5MU, ZS2ABK, SA MM Net, SAMMNET.CO.ZA, SAMMNET.COM
Hailing Port: Durban
Crew: Graham, Sam
About: South African Maritime Mobile Net - ZS5MU, ZS5GC, ZS2ABK, SA MM Net, SAMMNET.CO.ZA SAMMNET.COM
SOUTH AFRICAN MARITIME NET 1979 -2009 ALISTAIR CAMPBELL ZS5MU ASSISTED BY DAVINA ZS5GC The Net was started on 26th October 1979, when Alistair made contact with two yachts coming from Mauritius. The next day another two joined in and a sked was arranged for 06h30z the following morning when [...]
Home Page:

South African Maritime Mobile Net, SA MM Net, SAMMNET.CO.ZA, SAMMNET.COM

Who: Graham, Sam
Port: Durban