Three August Nights 2014
31 August 2014 | Whortonsville, NC
Lane Kendall

Along with babysitting duties and other commitments, we had been watching the weather for two weeks, trying to find a time that would not be so awfully hot and wet for a trip to the coast. We thought we had found it with forecast highs in the low to mid eighties and evenings in the high sixties. Unfortunately the lower temps were associated with the passing of a front and that generally means higher winds. Since we had not been to the coast for about six weeks I was anxious to go and make sure the boat was faring well. Not only that, I was missing the water.
Sunday August 24, 2014
We left home about 8 am with a planned stop in Raleigh for breakfast at IHOP with our grandson Jonas and his parents. We stopped back by their house and had a nice visit before continuing our trip to the coast about 1pm. We arrived at Ensign Harbor shortly after 4pm and unpacked the boat. The weather was unusually cool for August in Carolina but we would take it. The only thing we thought about doing was sailing over to South River and anchoring out for one night. The wind was very strong and we knew we would be lucky if that trip worked out.
Joey and Dorothy were here and were planning a trip to New Bern. Chuck was in the middle of a major electronics refit project. Dinner was grilled salmon with rice and a McDonald’s salad. We had a nice visit with Chuck in the cockpit after dinner.
Monday August 25, 2014
We woke to nice temperatures but very strong winds and overcast conditions. The forecast was for winds over 15 knots on the Neuse and that is more than we are willing to take on for a “pleasure” sail. We have sailed in winds much stronger but only because we had to be at a certain place at a certain time. We decided to drive over to Oriental for coffee and a muffin and to check the condition of the Neuse. We had our breakfast and took a nice long walk along the Neuse. Waves were crashing on the seawall and it was evident the weather was not going to be right for sailing.
The rest of the day was spent reading and relaxing. Dinner was leftover spaghetti toast and veggies. Nick stopped by the cockpit after dinner. His daughter had been visiting and they had been very busy. He also reported that “Freedom” the Westsail 32 had been sold by John one of our dock mates to Chris a former dock mate. I think the arrangement will work well. Chris managed to find an engine that should be a direct replacement for “Freedom’s” engine, avoiding a major engine compartment refit. That is good news to all parties.
Chuck had indicated that Tish may join him and we tentatively planned to sail together on Tuesday.
Tuesday August 26, 2104
We woke again to cool temperatures, clear skies and very strong winds. The forecast was for 15 knots plus all day. We prepared the boat for sailing because you really don’t know what the conditions are until you get to the sailing grounds. After speaking to Chuck we found that Tish had decided not to come down at all, and he was headed home.
We motored out to Broad Creek marker 1 and the first mate expressed no interest in sailing even though I had put a reef in the mainsail before we left the dock. It was a nice day and the diesel needed to be exercised so it was not a total loss. We left the boat in a “ready to go” state in case the weather in the morning is nice enough for a short sail before we leave for home.
The rest of the afternoon was spent reading and surfing the Internet. We went over to Oriental for ice and noted that the Neuse still looked very angry. We spent the rest of the day doing very little and finished it off with a simple vegetable meal.
Wednesday August 27, 2014
The water was down a bit but the wind was still strong and the forecast was for even stronger winds. If we had not had an obligation at home we may have stayed another day and wait the wind out but it may have taken more days. We packed up and left for home but we decided on a route that would take us through Washington, NC. We stopped for lunch ad McDonald’s in Grantsboro. It was not exciting but we were hungry and knew there were few culinary choices between us and Washington. We strolled on the waterfront and walked to the North Carolina Estuarium. We did not go in because the fee was $5 and we weren’t staying that long. The waterfront is sporting new restrooms and what we assume to be bathhouses for transient boaters. They are a very nice addition since our last visit.
We continued home through Greenville, NC and on to Raleigh. We stopped in Ramseur for milkshakes that would be dinner. This trip was not very exciting but sometimes that happens. We are looking forward to what we consider the actual sailing season which is from labor day until Christmas.