Port: Whortonsville, NC
03 September 2005 | New Bern, Bridgeton NC
21 August 2005 | Whortonsville, NC
06 August 2005 | Oriental, NC
06 July 2005
22 June 2005 | Whortonsville, NC
18 June 2005 | Whortonsville, NC
17 June 2005 | Whortonsville, NC
29 May 2005 | Whortonsville to Bath, NC
25 May 2005 | Mount Pleasant, NC
01 May 2005 | Lake Tillery, NC
15 April 2005 | Whortonsville, NC
02 January 2005 | test

One Day Trip

21 November 2020 | Whortonsville Ensign Harbor
Lane Kendall
It has been nearly a year since we were at Ensign Harbor. We got her ready for winter and put her to bed last December. We had every intention of returning in the spring. Our winter plans seldom include sailing and last winter was no exception. We had a camping trip planned to Florida, New Orleans and Texas where it is a bit warmer than the Carolinas. We had a nice trip and saw a lot. New Orleans is a great place but I can’t say I’d want to live there. San Antonio is beautiful and the Alamo and River Walk made it well worth the trip. Our winter excursion was cut a bit short by a death in the extended family.

We arrived back home just in time for the Corona Virus to set in. We learned that it was rampant in New Orleans just weeks after we got home. Based on our age and a minor health issue on my part we have been extremely cautious about being out in public. We have stayed hunkered down for the most part since early March. We went to get haircuts in October and I was able to make a single trip to Lowe’s to get essential plumbing supplies for the house.

We have been camping on several occasions but that just gives us four different walls to look at. We seldom leave the campground once we get there and we have yet to eat in a restaurant or even order take out. Since the camper is completely self contained we can feel fairly secure. We have camped with Judy’s brother and sister in law as well as her parents a few times but when we do, all Covid precautions are in force.

Saturday November 21, 2020
Departure was at about 7:30am. The drive was uneventful. We took lunch along in order to minimize stopping so we made good time. The old girl was in much better shape than I had anticipated. She had the expected coat of grime on the outside but surprisingly clean inside. Except for a small issue with the head, she weathered the alone time very well. Our friend Art had put some repair stitches in the coach roof cover and those were holding up nicely. Thanks Art! We removed everything from the boat that could be removed including the cushion covers, dishes and anything else that we could take home to clean. This will save time on our next visit.

Our next visit will be determined by how the virus develops. At this point it does not look good. The situation is worse now than ever. We will continue to shelter in place until a vaccine is in place. It seems that the social distancing rules are not working.

We stayed longer than we meant to but we got a lot accomplished. We arrived home at about 9pm. It was a long trip but we always enjoy being there.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year but this year it will be bleak. The best we can hope for is an online meeting with our children and grandchildren. In person visits at Christmas will be at a distance at best.

Hopefully this too shall pass.

Vessel Name: Southern Star
Vessel Make/Model: Catalina 30
Hailing Port: Whortonsville, NC
Southern Star is owned and sailed by Lane and Judy Kendall from Mount Pleasant, NC Southern Star (formerly Sea Breeze II) started her life on Lake Lanier near Atlanta. [...]
1983 Catalina 30 Tall Rig with Bow Sprint
Builder: Catalina Yachts
Designer: Frank Butler

LOA: 29' 11"
LWL: 25'
Beam: 10' 10"
Displacement: 10,300 lbs
Draft: 5'3"
Engine: Universal M-25 21HP
Fuel 18 [...]
Home Page: http://www.svsouthernstar.com

Port: Whortonsville, NC