20 August 2012 | 925 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 4:30 PM)
19 August 2012 | 100 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 9PM)
19 August 2012 | 180 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of Noon)
18 August 2012 | 294 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 9:20 PM)
18 August 2012 | 367 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 9:20 AM)
17 August 2012 | 483 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 4:10 PM)
17 August 2012 | 1361 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of Midnight)
16 August 2012 | 610 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 9:10 PM)
15 August 2012 | 803 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 12:30 PM)
15 August 2012 | 1623 to go to the SF Light Bucket
14 August 2012 | 1805 to go to the SF Light Bucket
13 August 2012 | 1047 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 12:00 PM)
12 August 2012 | 1123 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 9:00 PM)
12 August 2012 | 1123 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 9:00 PM)
12 August 2012 | 1262 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 7:30 PM)
11 August 2012 | 1262 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 7:30 PM)
09 August 2012 | 1506 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 8 PM)
06 August 2012 | 120 miles off Oahu
35 36N 139 06W
15 August 2012 | 803 to go to the SF Light Bucket (as of 12:30 PM)
(from Bob) Wow! As i am typing this, Scatt calls down form the cockpit to announce that the running back is broke. The turning block for the running check stay has disintegrated. We turn down for a few minutes to get it sorted and install the starboard running gear to the port stay. as I am trimming in the main sheet, I get dumped on by a huge wave. I had just come up in my inside clothes, so now I am soaking wet. (Well now< I have changed into a new shirt and my bathing suit.)
I was going to say we have cracked off and the boat is not pounding much. last night we were heading 090 and winds were 15 to 20 from 015. now they have backed off and we are between 090 and SF (~060).
It is hard to type (or rest) in these rough conditions. We definitely should have been higher before getting to this wind. Hopefully it will lessen in next day and we can get back to motoring...
Lets see if I can get an email connection.
Currently (12:25 PM) Bsp 8.2 COG 070 AWS 25 AWA `45 Main reefed. #2 Jib up and let out. Engine 0 PRM Barro 1020 Lat 35 36N Long 139 06W
Fishing No