
Catamaran cruising

Who: Carolyn & Chris Gebbie
24 July 2022
12 October 2021 | Kilada
01 October 2021
20 September 2021 | Poros
20 September 2021 | Vathi
20 September 2021 | Poros
20 September 2021 | Kilada
20 September 2021 | Ermioni
29 August 2021
29 August 2021
29 August 2021
29 August 2021
29 August 2021
15 August 2021 | Paroikia
15 August 2021 | Finikas
04 August 2021 | Dhokos and Kithnos
04 August 2021 | Tyros
25 July 2021 | Kilada

Port Roig/Espalmador

05 May 2016 | Port Roig/Espalmador
On Tuesday we had a good couple of hours sail through the passage between Formentera and the mainland in a SW force 3-4. We arrived at Port Roig around 14.00 hrs and anchored in a gap between the many privately laid mooring bouys. Despite the name this is simply a bay with good shelter on three sides and only the south exposed to the wind and swell. As the current wind was south west there was in initially a bit of swell making its way in but when the promised change to easterly airstream came in a few hours later we were very comfortable. There is nothing in the bay other than a few fishermen’s huts which are everywhere around here and some villas overlooking from the high surrounding cliffs. It was very peaceful; we ate aboard and had a quiet night with only one other Dutch boat for company.
Wednesday was a much nicer day as the sun shone most of the time and things were a lot warmer as a result. It’s been rather gray the last few days. Quite a few other boats made their way into what was now a very protected anchorage (including the French Lifeboat but unfortunately for Carolyn it seems he only has one shower a week!) Chris put the final coat on the outboard cowling which is now a smart blue colour and also went for a swim to check the lay of the anchor and spend some time scrubbing weed off the hull. Hard work and the water was cold so this only lasted 20 minutes or so, a small % of the hull unfortunately! Carolyn made some bread and we relaxed until 18.30hrs when Jane and John from the yacht ‘Penelope’ came on board. They had anchored next to us and we invited them for pre-dinner drinks. They were based in Portsmouth and know many of the places we do and some of the people – Steve Jupp, you were name-checked! Another comfortable night but now with other 9 yachts in the Cala.
‘Penelope’ amongst others recommended a visit to the anchorage on the island of Espalmador only 10 miles to the south, part of the Formentera chain and we had already set this as our next destination. On Thursday we had a really good sail in 12 - 15 knots of easterly wind, Splice was close hauled (sailing as close to the wind direction as you can) and making 6 knots. If the sun had been out it would have been wonderful but it was a bit cold, jumpers and hats time! The bay at Espalmador would be lovely but as we write it is grey and the rain is coming down, what’s this! If we wanted rain we could have stayed in England but we now hear the weathers better there! Hopefully it will be better later or tomorrow, for now its reading or doing puzzles inside with shorts substituted for long trousers!

Photo: Carolyn’s favorite French Lifeboat

Vessel Name: Splice
Vessel Make/Model: Broadblue 435 Catamaran
Crew: Carolyn & Chris Gebbie
We have been married for over 25 years and have two grown up sons. Carolyn has dual English/French nationality and speaks French well. [...]
Extra: Contact us at splice435(the at sign)gmail.com

Who: Carolyn & Chris Gebbie