Bonifacio - Corsica – France
16 September 2016 | Bonafacio, Corsica

We motored across the Straits between Sardinia and Corsica in very light winds, it’s only about 12 miles and we had a comfortable passage in an area known for rough weather in strong wind conditions. We remembered to change the courtesy flags flying on our flag halyard!
The entry into Bonafacio is as impressive as the photos, tall cliffs both sides and an entry that turns sharply to starboard. You progress up the narrow waterway to the town at the head of the inlet into a swarm of manouevering boats and mega-yachts. It needs an experienced hand on the helm as there is not much space and every-one is just ‘going for it’, especially the tripper boats. We were met by a RIB and told to take the end of pontoon ‘M’, there is no hammer-head, all the Cats just go side on to the small pontoon end and then pick up a bow and stern lazy line as if you were stern to. At least you do if the boat behind hasn’t taken your line as well as his own – he gave up and handed it over when Chris threatened to tie Splice to his centre cleat. No official helps you; the guy off the boat ahead gave us a hand and we managed OK.
Photo: Changing the Courtesy Flags. Visiting Sardinia you fly the Italian flag and the locals like you to fly their own Sardinian flag. Going to Corsica it’s similar, the French flag takes the top most important place followed by the local Corsican flag below.