Bonafacio again
03 October 2016 | Bonafacio, Corsica

On the 27th September we motored the short distance into Bonafacio harbour around 11.30 as we had noted the previous visit that getting in early before the chaos of ’17.00 Rush Hour’ was a wise move. As is normal in this place there was no-one to help, so we picked the end of a pontoon and moored there without issues.
Chris took Charlie to find a suitable release place but there were not many options in the harbour so he gained his freedom into a massive plant pot outside one of the restaurants.
The harbour was still busy and the evening rush hour was as chaotic as ever with big boats trying to squeeze into inside obstructed berths and often getting it wrong. We helped a number of boats moor including a charter with an English group on board who were allocated an impossible berth by the pointing (but not helping) mariniero. It took a while to get their keel around the lines of other boats and into the far corner of the aisle. They kindly offered a beer for the assistance and we stayed to chat for a while. That night we eat at a pizza place on the quayside as we didn’t fancy a trek up to the old town, their pizzas were OK and certainly better than many and the service was pleasant – ‘Mama Ginas’ gets a reasonable rating from us.
That night and the following we could hear the sounds of a lone cricket rubbing his legs away on shore………….we hope Charlie finds a new mate!
Photo: Bonafacio 'rush hour'