
Catamaran cruising

Who: Carolyn & Chris Gebbie
24 July 2022
12 October 2021 | Kilada
01 October 2021
20 September 2021 | Poros
20 September 2021 | Vathi
20 September 2021 | Poros
20 September 2021 | Kilada
20 September 2021 | Ermioni
29 August 2021
29 August 2021
29 August 2021
29 August 2021
29 August 2021
15 August 2021 | Paroikia
15 August 2021 | Finikas
04 August 2021 | Dhokos and Kithnos
04 August 2021 | Tyros
25 July 2021 | Kilada

Surprisingly – Arbatax

03 October 2016 | Arbatax
When we got out into the open seas on the east coast of Sardinia we were surprised to find that the forecast swell was not as bad as predicted as the period between the waves was wide. This enabled the boat to ride easily over them as opposed to crashing into each successive wave, losing speed and jarring the crew. In addition the westerly wind built to enable us to motor sail at over 7 knots.

Within a few minutes Chris was calculating a longer passage and proposed to keep going down the coast to Arbatax. We had started later than normal and therefore needed to keep up a good pace if we were to get in before dark, but the Admiral agreed so the Captain was allowed to continue. It was mostly a good passage taking around 8.5 hours with the wind helping from most directions at various points until it got bored for the last two hours and blew directly in our faces, slowing us down to 5.5 knots for the final miles.
We did make one negative find during the passage. Chris went to sit on the bow for while and got a shock when he noticed damage to our port bow. Despite being on board most of the time in Bonafacio someone had clearly hit us and taken out a 5 x 3 cm chunk of our gelcoat high on the inside of the port bow, it’s gone right through to the fibre-glass so must have been a hefty hit. Luckily there doesn’t appear to be any more serious damage. Of course no-one was honest enough to tell us so yet another item for the repair list.

We moored in Arbatax at 19.00 about 30 minutes before the dark comes down as the sun goes behind the mountains inland. This was a pleasing if somewhat unplanned passage that moves us halfway down the coast towards our winter berth. Pork chops and French red wine on board rounded off the evening.

The next morning our planned laundry and blog day was slowed by an email from Roger and Heather of ‘Free Spirits II’ whom we had met in Cartagena saying they were moored just down the pontoon and not to go without saying hello. They came on board for coffee and so the chores and blogging started later than planned. We are invited on board for drinks tonight putting paid to our plan for a quiet ‘non-alcohol’ night …..maybe tomorrow!

Photo: No new shots of Arbatax yet so this shows Cala Coda Cavallo after the storm
Vessel Name: Splice
Vessel Make/Model: Broadblue 435 Catamaran
Crew: Carolyn & Chris Gebbie
We have been married for over 25 years and have two grown up sons. Carolyn has dual English/French nationality and speaks French well. [...]
Extra: Contact us at splice435(the at sign)gmail.com

Who: Carolyn & Chris Gebbie