Stars, Sails - the Parallax View

A family of astronomers at sea... coming soon to a galaxy near you...

28 May 2020 | Fort Myers, FL
13 February 2019 | SW Florida
25 May 2018 | Fort Myers, SW FL
02 September 2016 | Fort Myers, FL
11 July 2014 | Fort Myers, FL
04 July 2014 | Fort Myers, FL
01 July 2014 | South Jersey Shore
23 April 2014
11 November 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
05 July 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
25 March 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
11 March 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
25 February 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
24 January 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
25 December 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
15 December 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
28 November 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
25 November 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
07 November 2012 | Fort Myers, FL

Wax On, Wax Off

03 April 2011 | Pensacola, FL
Heather/ sunny and 75F
Finished the portside tunnel Saturday, with a wonderful band playing somewhere on Bayou Chico for most of the day -- we could hear them and they were very talented, but we haven't found out who they were! Appreciated the music, anyway. (UPDATE 4/29/11: Ken says these were Frank Patti and a bunch of his friends who play music, and they were playing at Patti's boat yard because they were launching a new Joe Patti fishing vessel. Seems they do this only when a new Patti vessel is launched, but wow, if they were playing regular gigs in this area, I'd be seeking them out to go dancing!) Also got help from Big Mike and his son Justin from Big Mike's Fiberglass in selecting a bottom paint color -- two parts blue to one part black, for a deeper blue.

Today was Sunday, and we went to work on the boat at 9 am. Derek was sanding up on the deck, and I was playing Karate Kid, "Wax on. Wax off," in the starboard tunnel. Got the far starboard wall finished and the part of the aft underdeck that I had spot-painted as a touchup a few days earlier. We will (finally) mount the starboard rubrails tomorrow, a permanent (well, semi-permanent) mounting with 3M 4200. Here's Derek demonstrating for me what I was about to spend the next week doing (just calling my buffer "Buffy" and enjoying the tingling sensation that stays with ya for hours after a buffing session):
Derek with my new best friend

Later, Derek finished the circular hatch to the forward compartment where the compressor for the fridge will be, forward of the starboard forward cabin and he also started to build the locker that will hold the refrigerator. Once he's roughed out the insulation, he'll build the refrigerator itself with foam, a ply mounting board to hold the freezer compartment's screws, and fiberglass. He's pretty good at fiberglass! He's also managed to find a new space to use for storage, make a door for it, and paint the interior -- thank you, Derek!
Vessel Name: Parallax
Vessel Make/Model: 37' Prout Snowgoose (1982)
Hailing Port: Pensacola
Crew: Derek, Heather and Grant
Two astronomers, looking for variable stars and adventure. After cruising the Caribbean aboard S/V Paradox for 18 months in the early 90s, the crew swallowed the anchor and had a child, always planning their next Great Adventure: cruising under sail with Grant, showing him the world. [...]
We knew that if we ever got a catamaran, we'd want a name to celebrate her twin-hulledness. Parallax is seeing the same thing from two slightly different points of view, which with our two eyes is what gives humans our depth perception. It's also a good metaphor for one of the benefits of marriage. [...]

S/V Parallax

Who: Derek, Heather and Grant
Port: Pensacola