OK, we are scheduled to splash tomorrow, and we are almost completely done with the stuff that we had to do while Parallax is on the hard... so we are using the last day to do stuff that's just "easier" while she's on the hard.
The big gouge in the starboard hull below the waterline (where the heck did THAT come from?!) is repaired (epoxy) and faired (nice and flat)
The deck is painted and the foredeck is also waxed
The topsides are painted and waxed, including both "tunnels"
The bottom is bottom-painted, two coats, in Blue Whale (more on that later)
The bootstripe is renewed
The side channels are painted with a "racing stripe" in a dark blue that comes as close as I could manage to matching the name
The name and hailing port are on - name is on both bows and the stern
(The name went on first, then the stripe)
(Stern -- we will make the light an "a" somehow!)
The offending through-hull (the one that drained a bilge pump below the waterline) is filled (epoxied) and faired
The props and shafts have been sanded/brushed/cleaned until they shone and then etched (to allow them to take a special antifouling paint) and then "prepped" (a red undercoat which will help the antifouling adhere)
The stern rubrail is sanded and two-part cleaned in preparation for refinishing
(Grant and Derek in front of cleaned stern rubrail and prepped prop)
The new starboard rubrail is bedded and trimmed, ready for finish
The woodwork for the transition from starboard forward bunk to refrigerator has been mostly completed -- Derek finished cutting the top yesterday and the next steps are smaller and can be done at the dock.
Today Derek will paint the props and shafts with the special antifouling paint for props and shafts. I was going to apply the stripes to the cabin top, but Grant needed a little extra help with his schooling today, so we'll do that after-splash. Grant has been helping - especially over the weekend - and did a project (washing off the afterdeck to clean it up and prepare it for waxing) on his own initiative yesterday. He also helped with the bottom paint and with removing the blue tape yesterday -- he has a wad of tape from that which he described as, "forget footballs, this is the size of a baby!"
(Grant with the start of the Great Tape Wad)
She's looking pretty good... people are stopping their cars to tell us that. Nice feeling... whew!