Bimini Anchorage
18 February 2012 | North Bimini anchorage
Derek / sunny and 80F
Well, late last night we decided to stay and wait for the next weather
window here. It would take us two days to cross the Great Bahama Bank
to the Berry Islands, and the forecast was only good for the first of
those two days (winds to 20 knots after that), so we will wait here
until the front goes through and then leave afterwards. At least it
gives us a chance to see Bimini a little which we've never done
I made plane reservations last night as well for my trip back to the
US next month. The plan is to leave the boat (along with Heather and Grant!) in Nassau, and we've started looking for a good place for that.
Bimini is some ways, typically Bahamian and in others
definitely showing the US influence. The sun and water and sand are
Bahamian, along with friendly people, lots of tiny little shops
selling (in some cases) things that they've had since the Truman
administration, and good Bahamian bread. The US influence shows in the
fact that too many people are trying to sell stuff to you, and there are at some hours too many large American cars/trucks on the tiny road (there's really only one). The chickens and lizards in the streets are a nice touch, though.
We're having breakfast now (coffee, bacon, and french toast with
Bahamian bread), and then will move the boat from the dock (where we
checked in and decided to stay a night) to the fuel dock (next marina over) to get fuel and water (it costs here), then to the anchorage for the next
few days. More later....