Stars, Sails - the Parallax View

A family of astronomers at sea... coming soon to a galaxy near you...

28 May 2020 | Fort Myers, FL
13 February 2019 | SW Florida
25 May 2018 | Fort Myers, SW FL
02 September 2016 | Fort Myers, FL
11 July 2014 | Fort Myers, FL
04 July 2014 | Fort Myers, FL
01 July 2014 | South Jersey Shore
23 April 2014
11 November 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
05 July 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
25 March 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
11 March 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
25 February 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
24 January 2013 | Fort Myers, FL
25 December 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
15 December 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
28 November 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
25 November 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
07 November 2012 | Fort Myers, FL

Hope Town to Green Turtle Cay

19 July 2012 | Green Turtle Cay, Abacos, Bahamas
Heather / sunny 88 F / SE 8
Yesterday left attractive, large, construction-just-finishing Hope Town Inn and Marina around 9 am,
Hope Town Inn and Marina. Still $1/ft/nt for a little while longer :-)
Hope Town Inn and Marina. Still $1/ft/nt for a little while longer :-) [Not our picture...]

and fueled up at the fuel dock at Lighthouse Marina (they have only 6 slips and it's pretty exposed),
Lighthouse Marina. Mostly fuel, stores, and a boatyard.
Lighthouse Marina. Mostly fuel, stores, and a boatyard [My USB ports will not read, so ALSO not our picture]

then motorsailed north to arrive at Green Turtle Cay around 2:40 pm. The Marina at the Green Turtle Club looks like this:
Green Turtle Club
Not our picture: Green Turtle Club

The bar, walls covered with dollar bills, like so many other "fun bars:"
Bar at the Green Turtle Club -- not our picture
Bar at the Green Turtle Club -- not our picture

Derek caught two lovely (28" and 22") king mackerel on a small black and purple (and pink???!) squid lure as we were going along out the Loggerhead Channel and in the Whale Cay Channel, so we have lots of fish right now! Tonight is crispy fish fingers with a mango chutney and Bahamian bread, with two episodes of BBC's "The Final Cut" (a truly eerie fiction series starting with "House of Cards" about politics in the UK, from books written by a former Conservative Chief of Staff).

Pictures when I get the chance... my laptop is getting old and will not recognize the USB connection from my camera for 40 minutes at a time, so uploading pictures is more difficult for me lately. We're leaving tomorrow Monday for Great Sale Cay (as in "saline"), the next day across the rest of the banks to the Gulf Stream and across to Florida. We were planning on leaving Friday for Great Sale, but there is a tail end of a tropical wave about to cause some fuss in the Gulf Stream, so we are waiting for it to pass before crossing.

We called the Port Lucie Lock, and the Okeechobee waterway is OPEN!!! Happy happy happy, we were worried that this weather delay was going o have us leaving the boat far from Ft. Myers, but having the Okeechobee open is both more weather-p[roof and faster for us. The only sad spot in that is it won't bring us past Chris and Marisa's new place on Biscayne Bay, where Chris is The Dockmaster at a wonderful-sounding marina. (He is the DockMASTER. He has mastered the dock!!! Bow later.) Anyway, with the Okeechobee open, we can head for Stuart. That'll be easier to sail, also.
Vessel Name: Parallax
Vessel Make/Model: 37' Prout Snowgoose (1982)
Hailing Port: Pensacola
Crew: Derek, Heather and Grant
Two astronomers, looking for variable stars and adventure. After cruising the Caribbean aboard S/V Paradox for 18 months in the early 90s, the crew swallowed the anchor and had a child, always planning their next Great Adventure: cruising under sail with Grant, showing him the world. [...]
We knew that if we ever got a catamaran, we'd want a name to celebrate her twin-hulledness. Parallax is seeing the same thing from two slightly different points of view, which with our two eyes is what gives humans our depth perception. It's also a good metaphor for one of the benefits of marriage. [...]

S/V Parallax

Who: Derek, Heather and Grant
Port: Pensacola