Blustery, rainy day. Hoping it clears by morning so we can set out for Great Sale. My computer (still) won't see USB cable for my camera, so I can't upload pics using my own machine. Amazingly strong winds and rain this afternoon, all around the compass. For a while it was about 25 kts out of the north, with the rain so hard it sounded like popcorn!
It's getting better. This is updated hourly, so it may be nicely clear by the time you see it:
============== UPDATE Monday 23 July ============
Still waiting... as I mentioned in email to Flying Cloud, "We're still at Green Turtle Cay in the Abacos, waiting for this tropical wave to wave off. Marsh Harbour had a sufficiently vigorous storm this morning that they decided to cut off the power to the other islands until 2 pm, to avoid lightning blowing stuff up in their power system (according to the Green Turtle Club desk people). The power did go on again at 2 pm, then off, then on for longer, then off a little while, then on... it's on now :-) "
There will be suitable pictures of clouds and rain when I get a way to upload the silly things...