Marina Life While House-Hunting
17 August 2012 | Fort Myers, FL
Heather / rainy and 88 F / var
Let's see, we all zoomed off to separate destinations on the 5th and 6th of August. Derek went to Hawaii to do Navy stuff at Pearl Harbor. Heather and Grant flew to Denver, then Heather drove Grant to summer camp in the Rockies. This was a promise to Grant from when we lived in Colorado: that he would get to return to his same summer camp every year (we'd save up for it if necessary). So he returned, for his sixth year in a row, if I am counting correctly!
Our beloved Parallax stayed here, behaving herself admirably, with doubled dock lines in case a storm should come knocking.
...A lot more text about house-hunting while living aboard and pictures of Colorado and stuff a little later this evening.