Spring is here, there are flowers on the trees, there is (cough) pollen in the air, and yet suddenly the temperature might drop and hail fall from the sky...
The little boat is safe in its slip, waiting for warmer weather before we attend to her brightwork blistering on the companionway cover and the need for new cockpit locker cover/seats.
Two astronomers, looking for variable stars and adventure. After cruising the Caribbean aboard S/V Paradox for 18 months in the early 90s, the crew swallowed the anchor and had a child, always planning their next Great Adventure: cruising under sail with Grant, showing him the world. [...]Read our blog: you'll realize that if we can do this, with a 1982 boat, you can, too -- or that you're really very comfortable where you are, thanks! :-)
We knew that if we ever got a catamaran, we'd want a name to celebrate her twin-hulledness. Parallax is seeing the same thing from two slightly different points of view, which with our two eyes is what gives humans our depth perception. It's also a good metaphor for one of the benefits of marriage. [...]
It is also one way astronomers find the distances to nearby stars -- only in that case, the baseline is not our eyes' separation, but the diameter of Earth's orbit!