The 60th Birthday Cruise
31 August 2015
Day 2 Port Chantereyne, Cherbourg
Saturday 22nd August 2015
Current Position:
40 38 75N
01 37 28W
Today was a rest day. A great night's sleep followed by a few chores and then breakfast and a trip to the market where we bought gorgeous French cheeses, olives and fruit. Andy says the market reminds him of a fair ground - exciting, full of goodies and fun things to see and do. Back to the boat and the rain started at 4pm forcing us to stay down below, reading, chilling, listening to music, snacking on our newly purchased cheeses and olives with fresh French bread - how awful!! We are hoping to head to Alderney tomorrow on the tide before a nasty weather front arrives on Monday but the outlook does not look very promising so we are keeping a watchful eye on the weather.
Incident Of The Day: It rained - putting the kybosh on snoozing in the cockpit.
Thought For The Day: We can learn a lot from the French:- the shops close for the weekend on Saturday at 1.00pm. They still have specialist shops:- the Butcher, the Baker, the Deli, and a home grown fruit and veg market. They have not allowed the supermarkets to take over. The French women are so perfectly groomed, simple but so stylish and so, so elegant. They are not obese and there was not a tattoo in sight. The mature French women that I saw today are just plain gorgeous.
Song of the Day: Fairground by Simply Red