The 60th Birthday Cruise
22 September 2015
Day 5 Tuesday 25th August
Port Chantereyne, Cherbourg
Current Position:
And guess what ??? It's raining AGAIN!!!. Absolutely horrid, however during a lull in the "mizzle" (misty drizzle) we hit the facilities and had a shower. Another check on the weather confirmed we would definitely stay put today. Back on board for breakfast, followed by a few rounds of cards, before deciding to get off and visit La Cite de la Mer which is a dedication to man's underwater adventures as well as housing the biggest submarine in the world to be open to the public - Le Redoutable, all housed ion the old Cunard terminal. The Titanic exhibition, clearly in it's early stages was well worth seeing. Reading witness accounts was spine chilling as was the blow by blow account of the actual sinking. The photos of passengers in 1st, 2nd, 3rd classes and steerage made it all come to life.
Song of the Day: It's raining again by Supertramp
Thought of the day: Back in the early 1900's, thousands of immigrants left for New York via Cherbourg aboard various ships, including the Titanic. 1.5 million entered America in a 5 year period. They were all registered, had tickets and were accounted for..................................