The 60th Birthday Cruise
22 September 2015
Thursday 27th August
Still Here!!
Today, come what may we decided to climb the mountain and visit the Musee de la Liberation housed in the Roule Forte. The fort is 117m above sea level and was built between 1853 and 1857 under Napoleons 3rd reign. It's strategic position, over the harbour and in the shape of a spur between the two roads main roads to Cherbourg turned it into the key defence of Cherbourg. In June 1940 the fort became home for the French Resistance but was taken over by the Germans who, up until 1944, transformed it into a hidden camp, digging underground passages in the rock. Cherbourg became a fortress. On June 25 1944 the fort was taken over by the Americans turning Cherbourg into the first liberated harbour which was then used to cover the front men and materials for months.Tthe tour of all the underground passages was fascinating and the view from the very top was nothing short of spectacular. Well worth the walk to the top and a' must see' for every visitor.
Song of the day: Climb every mountain by Julie Andrews
Thought of the day: If not for the bombing of Pearl Harbour - bringing the Americans into WW2 - the ending could have been so very different.
Incident of the day: Andy being told by the tour guide "not to touch an Important Historic Monument"