The 60th Birthday Cruise
22 September 2015

Day 8 Friday 28th August
Current Position:
49 35 25N
001 15 86W
At last no rain and a good forecast. So we slipped our lines at 6.30am and headed for St Vaast. The wind, or rather lack of it, was, once again, on the nose so we motor sailed. The sea was a bit confused with quite a swell but we had plenty of tide and at one point we were scudding along at 9.9 knots sog. We arrived at St Vaast and were tied up by 11am. Plenty of spaces for visitors which by the end of the day were filled with all the other boats beating a retreat from Cherbourg, plus a large race fleet from Poole. a wonder around town to stretch our legs and a stop off to listen to some live music being played as part of a local festival. There was a beer bar, but more interestingly, a water bar where you could sample different varieties of sparkling and still water. You would not believe that water could taste so different. We came across La Fuschia restaurant that has always been fully booked when we have tried to get a table in the past and a cursory enquiry for a table for 2 for tomorrow evening was met with a "Oui Madam". Perfect.
Song of the day: Think again by Hot Chocolate
Thought of the day: All good weather comes to thise who wait.
Incident of the day: Don't know what we were thinking but we put the spring line on the wrong way and then wondered why she kept going forward when we were pulling her back. Doh !!!