14 March 2017
Current Position:
50 47 51N
01 06 89W
Haslar Marina
We have been back to Port Solent where Stiletto was lifted and put on a cradle ready for the contractors we had appointed to complete our list of works. Amazingly it has all gone to plan and everyone has completed their particular jobs on time and to budget. Having said that, there was one big surprise that rather took us aback. Although we knew we had been hit by another boat whilst we were on a swinging mooring a few months ago and the bow took all of the impact, we hadn't realised the extent of the damage. Goodacres took a look at the bow and quickly confirmed that some serious repair work needed to be done. I had previously noticed some flexing around the bow roller when I dropped / raised the anchor and on the back of this information Goodacres recommended strengthening the bow roller collar which was quite a big job and would take a while. It was an expensive piece of work and we decided to put it through our insurance company . We had after all been paying our premiums for 10 years. Thankfully they have approved our claim. It does however make me feel very cross that another boat could hit us and thought it perfectly acceptable to just carry on and not attempt to leave their details. A hit and run.
While the bow roller was being fixed , the standing and running rigging was replaced, (the wires and ropes that hold the mast up and make everything work), new rudder bearings were fitted along with a new propeller, the sail drive (gear box) gater was replaced, (this is the joint between the hull and engine and gear box that stops water coming in) and the engine underwent a full service and overhaul which involved replacing pumps and pipes. The sea cocks in the heads (loo) were replaced as were all the skin fittings ( the holes in the boat that let fluids in and out). Stiletto was truly enjoying the attention in the form of a major refit. Unlike her owners who were not enjoying the cost!!
After a week of being pulled apart she was finally put back together again and relaunched. We had a few very anxious moments while we waited to make sure all the new fittings were watertight and after all this effort she wasn't going to sink!!!! It took no time at all for the guys to complete the task and we were able to return to Haslar. We had spent the week at the local premier inn as we were unable to stay aboard while our home was propped up in a cradle and we were very pleased to be "back home". We had missed our simple lifestyle and hadn't actually enjoyed our time in the hotel despite thinking we would !
Now the new canvas work (spray hood and dodgers) have been fitted in our unique house colour of Lavender she looks like our old girl again. The next big job is to sort the cockpit locker. This is a huge storage area (affectionately known as the "naughty boy locker") where all the boat equipment we need is stored. I can stand in it so there is plenty of space and we are going to make a mezzanine floor so that items needed regularly are on the top and items needed not so often are on the bottom. In a previous life Andreas had a pond full of Koi Carp and the buckets that contained fish food - which are totally airtight - make fantastic storage bins.
We are on countdown now but still lots to do.
A mention and enormous thanks in despatches for:
Mike Sparshot - Ocean Electronics
Ray Austin Marine - sea cocks and "heads"
Golden Arrow - ( Simon) engine
Goodacres - rudder bearings & GRP
Elvstrom Sails - Jeremy White
Martin Leaning - Rigger
CJ Marine - canvas work
Song for this post: Money Money Money by ABBA
Thought for this post: Want a good job done? Use the specialists as listed!
Highlight of this post: Stiletto is in better shape now than when I bought her!